Mother’s Day Messages
Abraham Lincoln once said that “I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life” and his statement holds true for each single person on the Earth.
A mother is the one who becomes the fulcrum of happiness that we are blessed with, from the day we open our eyes to this Earth. A mother is someone, no matter what; she will stand as the strongest pillars in our lives. And, she must be celebrated for all the love and affection she bestows upon with. Mother’s day 2022 is approaching (9th May) and it is the perfect time to pay your mother for all that she has done for you.
Mother’s Day Message for Your Mom
One of the best ways to say thank you to your mother, for all that she does, all her life for her children and for all the enduring love that she has in her heart, is sending hearty messages. And not only a mother but all those women in your life who have played the role of a mother in any form should be celebrated. One of the best things you can do is send heartfelt Mother’s Day Messages for and bring that powerful smile on their face. Here is some thoughtfully written Mother’s day messages for helping you make your mother feel happy and delighted….

- No one, but it was you who created the “Me”, who stands today with so much confidence. Not only you carried me in your womb for nine months, but you are carrying me for whole of your life in your heart. Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!
- There’s nothing that can replace a mother’s love that is the most appropriate and the most important ingredient for finding strength in every situation.
- Mom, you are the architect of my life and I own my success to you!
- Because of you I could have the most desirable life one can think of! Happy Mother’s Day to sweet Angel!!
- I am so Happy and awed with the gift of life that you have given me! Today I also want to gift you something very special that could bring the smile on your face that I always want to see.
Mother’s Day Messages for Your Grandmother

A Grandmother does every little thing to make the family function at the apt pace. She makes sure everything is at its place and that children are enjoying every bit of their lives. Resting in her lap, listening to her stories, holding her wrinkled frail hands, has been one of the most pleasant moments of the childhood. She has always been your first mother and this is the perfect time when you can send her heart-touching Mother’s Day Messages….
- You are always on my mind and the little lessons from the stories that you used to recite to me. May you shine like a bright star!!
- You have been a reservoir of inspiration for me and the family! May you get all that you desire! Happy Mother’s Day!!
- You have enriched my childhood with your love and affection Grandma!! Happy Mother’s Day
- It will be a pleasure to continue the legacy that you have left behind for us!! I am thankful to you from every bit of my existence for every little act of yours because that is what has made me what I am today.
Mother’s Day Messages for Mother-in-law

It is your Mother-in-law because of whom you have been able to fall in love with such a wonderful person. On Mother’s Day let her know that she is as important to you as his son because had she not been there, you would not have been able to meet an amazingly wonderful person like your husband. Here are some lovely messages for your Mother-in-law….
- I cannot express my gratitude to you for being the person who has brought the love of my life on this Earth.
- You have nurtured the person I am love with from the very first day he was born and I am thankful to you for that!! Happy Mother’s Day
- You are a wonderful person, a wonderful mom and a wonderful mother-in-law!!
- Every day the love and respect that I have for you is growing for all that you do for the family! Happy Mother’s Day
- May be we are connected by law but, the way you show love to me brings out a special connection! I have two mothers now!!
Mother’s Day Messages for a New Mom

The best way to tell a new mom that whatever effort she is putting in to keeping the baby healthy will pay off one day. The kind of transition that she is witnessing in her life and the sleepless nights that she is having is actually the beauty of being a mother. This Mother’s day, send her touching messages to remind her that she is doing a great job.
- The job you are doing now is the toughest of all and is an out of the world feeling. So, enjoy every bit of it!! Happy Mother’s Day
- The feeling you will be having now must be an incredible one, only a few pure souls get the opportunity o enjoy this moment. Enjoy the day today!!
- I want to wish you bounties of happiness on your first Mother’s Day.
- You will always be the “hero” from the perspective of your child.
Mother’s Day Messages for Mom-to-be
The incredible phenomenon of motherhood comes up on a woman’s life the day she knows that she is expecting a baby. She starts putting in care and thought into making plans for the baby with all that she has to go through, from always eating the right food to giving regular visits to the doctor. This Mother-to-be definitely deserves to be loved and respected for what she does. Here are some messages you can send o make her feel special.
- Great transformation, great love and the courage to handle everything with hope and happiness is the beauty of this Mom-to-be. Wish you more strength!!
- This is the most incredible gift that you are going to receive from the heaven! God Bless you!!
- May you be a proud Mother of a Proud Daughter!! Happy Mother’s Day
- You are carrying a life in your womb and that feeling must be an incredible one!!
Mother’s Day Messages for a Mother figure in your life
For many of us, it’s not the real mother who has done it all, but someone really special has made us feel special. Tell her that whatever she has done for you matters a lot and that you want to say thank you. Send her heart-warming messages to show your love and respect.
- Even if we are not connected by blood, we are connected by heart. Happy Mother’s Day
- I have received all the love and affection and that has made me really strong. I don’t see any difference between a real mother and the one I have.
- You are incredibly different and your way of life has taught me a lot of things in life. Happy Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Messages for Wife

Creating that balance between being a mother and a great wife is a very tough job. How does that gives happiness to a mother is so very much intriguing. She does everything to make her child give all the love and affection. Send your wife to make her realise that she is an amazing wife and an amazing Mother. Here are some messages to help you out!!
- The Mother inside you is awesome and unbeatable. Happy Mother’s Day
- I sit and watch you quietly, how skilfully you turned into a loving mother from a loving wife. Enjoy the day of Mother’s Day!!
- Thanks for being the best mother to our children! Happy Mother’s Day!!
- You simply are amazing both as a mother and as a wife. Wish you all the happiness and strength.
Mother’s Day Messages for Sister

The bond that a sister shares with her siblings is incredibly the best. It’s such a wonderful feeling to watch your sister turning from a daughter into a sister into a wife and to a Mother is simply awesome. Tell her on this Mother’s Day that she is perfect in whatever role she plays!! Here are some messages to make her feel on top of the world.
- Dear sister, I am amazed how you have turned yourself into the most loving Mom of the world.
- I am so proud of you for all that you do to keep your children healthy and happy. Happy mother’s Day!!
- I am sure your children will get same amount of inspiration from you as I have! I am proud that you are handling Motherhood in the best possible way.
Mother’s Day Messages for Daughter

A daughter makes the entire milieu of the home cheerful and happy. From the day she starts understanding a touch, the affection and love one can see in her eyes is unexplainable. It’s great to see her sharing that love and affection with her own children. Wish her with beautiful messages on this Mother’s Day. Here are some messages to help…
- When I look into the eyes of your children I can feel the same kind of innocence and affection that I used to see in your eyes.
- It is great to see how you have turned from a daughter to having your own daughter.
- It’s a proud moment for me to see you turning into an incredible Mother. Happy Mother’s day!!
Mother’s Day messages for Elder Sister
- You are not only a sister but you have always acted like a Mother from the time Mom passed away. I am thankful that God gifted me with a sister like you.
- Happy mother’s Day sister!! You are my mother, my sister, my friend and everything.
- I wonder how you have brightened up my life with love and affection sister! I can smell the compassion of a mother from you!! Happy Mother’s Day sister
- You have nurtured me and helped through my life like a mother at every stage and I feel lucky to have born your younger sister. Thank you for being there!!
- Sisters are heavenly angels because they have gotten the power to heal all of your wounds be it inside or outside.
Mother’s Day Messages for Aunt
- How wonderful it is to have an aunt like you who is a secret keeper, the best friend and the most adorable.
- I don’t feel the absence of my mother when my aunt is around. Happy Mother’s Day
- I feel so lucky to have such an adorable aunt in my life!!
- Thanks for being an unbiased Aunt!! Thanks for not differentiating between me and your biological children.
Mother’s Day Messages for God Mother
- I am lucky that I have a God Mother like you. Happy Mother’s Day
- Thank you for teaching me the most precious lessons of life.
- Happy Mother’s Day God Mother!!
- You will always be a wonderful woman who has taught me the greatest lessons of life. Happy Mother’s Day!!
Mother’s Day Messages for Stepmother/ adopted mother/ foster mother
- How wonderfully you have embraced the difficult me makes me so lucky. I love you for every little thing that you have done.
- I know you have not given me birth but I have never felt that difference. Happy Mother’s Day
- Since the time I have gotten the chance to be called your daughter the idea of being biologically connected for being a Mother.
- I never had to struggle for being a stepdaughter because I have found every ingredient that is needed for a biological connection.
- You are the most special gift that God has given me. Love you a lot!!
- "Family means a lot especially when it’s someone as special as you!"
Funny Mother’s Day Messages
- I gave you such ugly stretch marks but still you love me? You must be brave Mom!! Thank you for love in exchange of stretch marks.
- What other gift you need Mum, when I have you?
- But, I can say that you are extremely lucky because you have a daughter like me!!
- Happy Mother’s Day to the luckiest mother of an Awesome Son!!
- Mum you are Angel because you gave birth to such a wonderful creature!! Happy Mother’s Day
- Mommy you are so powerful that you could grow up all alone such a notoriously messed up child.
- Happy Mother’s Day from your favourite child!!
- I hope you could a better Mother’s Day than the Labour pain!
Mother’s Day Messages from Son/Daughter/Husband
Mother’s Day Messages from Son
- I have understood why people say that a man is the reflection of his mother. I own all that I am to you! Happy Mother’s Day
- The most important lesson I have learnt from you is treating women like queen. And, the first queen in my life is you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day my queen!!
- I wonder how you effortlessly handle Motherhood which seems such a herculean task to me. Happy Mother’s Day Mom
Mother’s Day Messages from Daughter
- It makes me jittery to feel even if I can be half of the woman and a Mother you have been.
- Genuinely, all my life, I have never seen a person so compassionate and kind. I love you Mom!!
- Even if I will become a Mother I will always be your sweet little daughter!!
- You will keep inspiring me as long as I will live Mom!! Happy Mother’s Day from your daughter
- In the form of a Mother, I have got the most precious gift from God who acts as friend, sister and the cosiest companions. Happy Mother’s Day
- The bond that I share with you Mom is incomparable! I love to rest into your lap like a kid. Happy Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Messages from Husband
- The greatest gift I could ever receive from you was the gift of our child! I will always be obliged to you for the gift of our first baby!! Happy Mother’s Day
- I am sure our baby had the best Mother and I can’t wait to get this once more from you!! Happy Mother’s Day my love!!
- I must say I am a lucky man because I have the opportunity to share life and moreover parenthood with a person as loving as you.
- One and only one thing better than you in my life is our children. All the happiness in my life is because of you! Happy Mother’s Day
- Being a father has changed me a lot in positive way and all that own to the Mother my children. Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day my dear wife!!